Maple Festival 楓葉節小胖和我來逛一年一度的楓葉節,這是每年都有的活動,地點在Chardon ,整個Chardon市中心的街道都封鎖,不讓車輛進入,好讓攤販還有一些遊樂器材設立,民眾不用擔心車輛。Xiao-Pang and I went to the Maple Festivall; it is held once a year. It is in Chardon. The city closes the streets in Chardon downtown, so the vendors can set up there and people don't have to worry about the cars.今天是星期五,人還不算太多。Today is Friday; there were not too many people yet. 小胖真是可愛。Xiao-Pang is so cute一路上都是小吃攤位。This whole street is food vendors. 這是其中一樣遊樂器材。This is one of the rides.走著走著肚子也餓了,我們先買了香腸吃,接下來買了洋蔥圈。 We are kind of hungry now, so we first bought sausage, then onion rings這裡的洋蔥圈還真大。These onion rings are big.接著吃”大象耳朵”,我直接從英翻中。為什麼叫大象耳朵?因為這個小吃是麵粉油炸做的,形狀像大象耳朵,上面灑了糖粉,大象耳朵只能在這種慶典活動吃到 ,這是我很喜歡的一樣小吃,所以我一定會買來吃。Next we ate elephant ear. I love elephant ear and you only can get that in the festivals, so I always get it.看起來很大,不過我們一下就吃完了,和小胖吃東西,如果你不吃快點,你就沒得吃囉!It looks big, but we finished it within few minutes. If you eat food with xiao-pang, you gotta to eat fast, otherwise you don't eat. 點心車看起來實在很誘人。This cart has all the deserts; they look really tempting. 這個帳篷裡有些什麼東西呢?What's in this tent?是一些手工藝品攤販,像這個是賣由木頭做成的玫瑰。There are craft vendors in the tent. This one sells roses made out of wood.飾品攤販。Jewelry vendor太陽眼鏡還真便宜。The sunglasses are so cheap.賣牛肉乾的攤販。這裡還真像臺灣的夜市,什麼都有。This vendor sells beef jerkey. This is kind of night market in Taiwan; they have everything. 重點來了,這些都是楓糖產品。This is the highlight; these are maple syrup products這是做楓糖漿的機器。This is the machine that make maple syrup. 我們買了一碗新鮮的楓糖漿,很燙,要不停的攪拌。We bought a bowl of maple syrup. It is really hot, so you have to keep stiring to cool it down. 等最後攪涼了,這是成品,吃起來口感很特別。 When it cools down; this is what it looks like. 入夜後,所有的燈都亮起來了,遊樂場的燈光特別的漂亮。At night, every light is on. The lights on the rides are especially pretty. 人越來越多。 There are more people now. .
- Mar 23 Fri 2012 18:16
Maple Festival 楓葉節